
From DeepMAC Wiki
Revision as of 13:55, 6 October 2017 by Jedi Mercer (Talk | contribs) (The Project)

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The Project

DeepMAC's purpose is to provide metadata based on Ethernet hardware addresses (MACs) to aid in identifying systems. It is the first unified project to tackle the complex issue of hardware address forensics. Originally conceived in 2006, the project has been run as a one-man labor of love for nearly a decade.

In 2017, DeepMAC moved to a new domain with a new approach on the back-end and an attempt to reach-out to the Information Security community.


  1. The data is available under an OpenData license
  2. The source code is avvailable under a GPL
  3. The project has a very long-term end goal, and is not devoted to specific technologies for managing DeepMAC
  4. Intended to allow others to contribute in the form of code and analysis, to aid in improving the utility of DeepMAC


DeepMAC needs support! We're looking for help in the following areas:

  1. Automation of research for MAC address metadata
  2. Adding support for data from the project to popular Open Source tools such as WireShark, nMap and Cactus.
  3. Wiki updating and expansion
  4. Financial (for hosting, researching and man hours)

Contact us at contribute@deepmac.org if you want to help, or visit the Donations page.